The Gamers Grove Crusade: Final Update

The Fall 2024 Crusade has drawn to a close with 20 different players all vying for Blackstone, RP, and glory. Across seven weeks the forces of the Imperium, Xenos, and Chaos slugged it out in the Pariah Nexus to complete tumultuous campaigns in our large-scale Crusade event. If you want to catch up on the action before seeing the results, check out our recap of the first few weeks of the crusade here.

Alliance Scores

            Our Crusade was broken into three teams: one for each super faction. Throughout the Crusade, teammates could not play each other and could only be paired into players on the other teams! For the event, each win was worth 3 points, each draw worth 2, and each loss worth 1. After 7 weeks, here are the scores with the Imperial Seekers taking it home!


Blackstone Accrual Scores

            While fighting tooth and nail in the empty void of the Pariah Nexus, our players were also scrapping for Blackstone. This mysterious stone neuters the power of the Warp and so every faction found themselves either wanting it… or wanting to keep it away from their enemies. At the end of the Crusade, it’s the Chaos Interlopers who mined 128 Blackstone to come out on top! We think Nick and his Thousand Sons actually just set up a mining town because he managed to collect 54 Blackstone *by himself*.



The End… For Now

            The conflict and Blackstone mining in the Pariah Nexus grew to be too much as local Necron tomb worlds began to stir and defend their precious resource. As more Necrons awoke to find all manner of Xenos, Chaos, and Imperium scum on their doorstep it became much too hazardous to realistically maintain operations in the Pariah Nexus for the Imperium or the three-pronged T’au exploration group and their Votann allies. The forces retreated slowly in the last few weeks of the Crusade, fighting only to secure safe passageway out of the sector. Chaos, with nothing left to fight besides the cold metal of the Necrons also retreated. Maybe one day, once the deadly gaze of the Necrons has drifted back into slumber, some of these factions would return to the Pariah Nexus. Until then, it’s time to lick their wounds and study this mysterious Blackstone.

Wrapping Up

            Thanks for keeping up with our local Crusade and thanks to all the players who made it happen! This was the first Crusade of this scale run by Gamers Grove and we — as a store — learned a lot about what it takes to have a successful event. We appreciate the grace of the players as we ironed out some kinks along the way but overall, this was a rewarding and fun experience! Thanks for reading and, as always, we’ll see you at the Grove.
