This October we welcome back Gamers Groves’ favorite event: GroveCon! GroveCon is a local Huntsville, TX festival celebrating our diverse gaming community. If you’re into board games, RPG games, card games, or just want to hang out with some like-minded nerds then GroveCon welcomes you.
Let’s Celebrate!
GroveCon is a celebration of our local community here at Gamers Grove in Huntsville, TX. From busy college kids sneaking in the occasional Pokemon game to tired adults finding time for Warhammer, Gamers Grove has seen it all! It’s the full-hearted local community that keeps our doors open and our dice rolling so from all of us here: thank you.
To show that thanks and to celebrate all of you, we’re throwing our second annual GroveCon this coming weekend! We’ll have events for everyone no matter what kind of table-top gaming you’re into. Look at our itinerary:

Board Game Bonanza!
We have a thriving board game scene at Gamers Grove and want to pay homage to those fine folks with board games all day, every day of GroveCon! To keep you on your toes we also have six exciting board games to demo and try out throughout GroveCon. We’ll have Binho, Flamecraft, So Clover, and Codenames on Saturday & Binho, Gravwell, and RoboRally on Sunday.
Grove Con Day 1
The first day of GroveCon! We’ll be opening our doors at 1pm and warming up with some Marvel RPG character creation. The actual Marvel RPG event isn’t until 3pm so you’ll have plenty of time to build, fine tune, and test out your very own Marvel super hero. If you’re new to non-D&D RPG settings, then don’t worry! Our DM is a RPG veteran and can guide you into these super-powered waters.
After that we have the first of our many card game tournaments this weekend with Flesh and Blood. From former professionals of Magic: The Gathering comes a new card game filled with tight gameplay, killer artwork, and tactical depth. This game has been a favorite of mine, so I highly recommend checking it out if you like card games at all.
What’s that? Card games aren’t your thing, you’re more into miniature gaming? No problem! At 2pm we’re hosting a Learn to Play Blood Bowl event to prepare newcomers for a Blood Bowl tournament at 4pm! And if you get the grasp of the game before then and want to paint up some miniatures be sure to check out our Paint & Take event at 3pm. If you do not have anything to paint don’t worry! We’re supplying each painter 1 D&D miniature.
Wrapping up the day we have two of our biggest events: Magic Chaos Draft at 5pm and Pokémon Paradox Rift Prerelease at 6pm.
For the MTG Chaos Draft, just pay $6 and bring 3 draftable packs to join! This includes older sets like original Innistrad, Theros, or Khans. If the pack is draftable, you can bring it! And if you don’t have packs to bring then we can help you out with fresh packs at the front counter.
The Pokémon Paradox Rift Prerelease is going to be amazing. For just $30 you’ll gain a day pass to GroveCon, entry to the event, a Build & Battle kit, special promo cards, and we’ll have Paradox Rift prize support.
Grove Con Day 2
Day 2 is a little less jam-packed than Day 1, but it’s got some big hitters! Our board game bonanza will still be going strong with 3 more demos and a full day of board gaming fun. Past that we’ll be trying out Universal Game Engine with character building at 3:30pm and game start at 5pm. Again, this is an alternative to D&D looking to be a little broader in scope than the fantasy worlds of Faerûn and the like.
If the Pokémon Prerelease piqued (Pikachu’d?) your interest, then come join us at 4pm in our Learn to Play Pokémon event. You’ll get a free starter deck to begin your trainer journey.
Then, at 5pm, we begin our YuGiOh Win-A-Box tournament! If you can claim victory over your fellow duelists, you’ll walk away with a FULL BOX of the newest set: Age of Overlord.
Finally, to end on a calmer note, we’ll have another Paint & Take event at 6pm with 1 D&D miniature provided.
Winding Down
Wow what a full weekend we’ll be having! Lots of events in our huge play space over two days, all to celebrate this awesome community. Gamers Grove wouldn’t be anything without all of you, so we here hope that this action-packed weekend will be a fun way to say thank you and to welcome as many people as possible into the community. Our hope is that you’ll find a game you like, a community you’ll love, and a place to feel welcome.